Thursday, February 22, 2018

Electrical Issue!

Before I go any further I wanted to write about an issue we had last year when we were camping in Canada. We love Nova Scotia and were enjoying our beautiful two weeks in Cape Breton when we had a thunderstorm that contributed to a power outage all through the region and when the power went back on, it blew out our electrical in the pop up! Needless to say that little issue cost us about $400 and many hours that Tom spent when we returned, repairing, replacing and adding the needed electrical work. The replacement wasn't a complete match to the one in our camper so Tom had to remove the whole sink unit, bring it into the garage to modify and put in the new one. Progressive Dynamics PD4135KV Inteli-Power Converter with Built-in Charge Wizard. While he did this he also added more USB ports and outlets. We had to order an Anodized Aluminum Sheet for replacement on some area that had to be replaced. Beautiful job and worked great for our next trip.๐Ÿ‘Now we just ordered a 30 amp hardwired, Surge Protector with Voltage Protection that will be added to the camper before we leave across country.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

GPS Trip

It's now the first week of February and Tom and I have started to put our trip into his phone navigation application. We decided awhile ago to use Navigon, which is an app that doesn't use any data. It's a Garmin program for our iPhone. The cost to download it $49.99 and we both share it.

Well, I can say I am glad we started to do this now and not when we were ready to leave! I don't know about anyone else but directions are not one our better times spent together...๐Ÿ˜œ traveling, getting lost is one of our biggest stresses. I have printed maps, an atlas, printed out directions, dates, places to stop and anything else I can think of.
A good stress reliever for me is knitting. So I have knitted myself a scarf and mittens to bring on this trip. I have also listed the temperatures for the time of year we will be in each location. When we travel through Yellowstone, the evenings will be 32ยบ at night and we will be camping in a popup camper!